ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487

Volume 03, Issue 03 – 2023



Brain Drain among Nigerian Doctors: Country’s Implications and Policy Responses

Mina Tele Ikuru,

Silva Opuala-Charles


The study investigated the rising causes of brain drain of Nigerian medical doctors abroad with country’s implications. Secondary data source through desktop research was employed. Descriptive and explanatory research designs were used with mixed method research methodology involving qualitative and quantitative methods. Our results revealed that unattractive remuneration of doctors, non-pleasant working environment, and inadequate provisions for career advancement opportunities in the destination countries are among the push factors for doctor’s brain drain. On the other hand, the surge in demand for health care services and improvements in medical technology in the receiving countries act as pull factors behind the migration of medical doctors from developing countries like Nigeria. As a policy response, the Nigeria government should raise its annual budget provision for healthcare funding to 15% in line with 2001 Abuja declaration to improve health infrastructure and welfare condition of health care professionals.


Keywords:  Brain Drain; Migration; Poor Wages; Opportunities; Remuneration