ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487

Volume 03, Issue 03 – 2023

Adhocracy and Business Performance in Nigeria

Silva Opuala-Charles,

Ikuroaa Daerego E. Jack


This paper explored the relationship between adhocracy culture and business performance in Nigeria. Related literature was reviewed in which key elements, including autonomy, experimentation, decentralization, employee empowerment, and collaboration, were examined. These studies emphasized how these elements contribute to organizational performance. The study further highlighted the importance of various dimensions of business performance in Nigeria, such as financial performance, market share, customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, innovation, and employee engagement, for assessing the country’s economic growth. It was discovered from the reviews that adhocracy culture positively influences innovation, employee engagement, organizational agility, collaboration, and talent attraction and retention. Empirical evidence from various studies in Nigeria is cited to support these claims, showcasing the beneficial outcomes of adhocracy culture on performance indicators across different industries. The findings of this research affirm that adhocracy culture plays a pivotal role in shaping the business performance of Nigerian organizations. The implications extend to business practices, urging organizations to foster an adhocracy culture that embraces flexibility, experimentation, and continuous learning. This cultural transformation will position Nigerian businesses for success in the ever-evolving and competitive landscape of the country’s economy.


Keywords: Adhocracy; Business Performance; Organizational Culture; Employee Empowerment; Collaboration