ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487

Volume 03, Issue 03 – 2023

Clan Culture and Business Performance in Nigeria

Silva Opuala-Charles,

Arunsi Uche Kalu


Clan culture is an organizational culture that emphasizes collaboration, teamwork, and employee well-being. The study examined the relationship between clan culture and business performance in Nigeria. Clan culture is seen to be intertwined with ethnic groups and cultural heritage in Nigeria, and it is characterized by loyalty, trust, and solidarity. This culture fosters a shared sense of responsibility and collaboration, increasing employee satisfaction, engagement, productivity, and overall performance. However, clan culture can also present challenges, such as nepotism and favoritism within clans, which can hinder merit-based decision-making processes.. However, it can also lead to resistance against change and a reluctance to challenge prevailing norms. Organizations with a strong clan culture, such as Google, Zappos, and Pixar, consistently observe superior employee retention rates. However, the emphasis on maintaining harmony can hinder creative thinking and adaptability, especially in fast-paced, competitive markets. To capitalize on the benefits of clan culture while overcoming challenges, organizations should promote transparency, fairness, and meritocracy, fostering an inclusive environment that embraces diverse perspectives and fosters innovation. By adopting strategies that balance strong relationships with an open, adaptable, and diverse work environment, Nigerian businesses can capitalize on the benefits of clan culture while overcoming challenges


Keywords: Hierarchy Clan Culture; Business Performance; Opportunities; Collaboration