ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487

Volume 03, Issue 03 – 2023

Collectivism Culture and Business Performance in Nigeria

Silva Opuala-Charles,

Munir  Afolabi Salau


The study examined the relationship between culture and organizational performance in Nigeria, focusing on three ethno-geographical locations. The results underscored a notable link between culture and organizational performance, revealing that organizations meeting the expectations of stakeholders – including owners, employees, and customers – tend to thrive within a culture conducive to their operations. Nonetheless, the performance of organizations is notably influenced by several key factors such as organizational context, cultural dynamics, economic and political conditions, availability of equipment, and the reliability of public utilities, notably electricity. The prevailing Nigerian cultural values prioritize collective orientation over individualism, lending support to consultative management approaches. It is worth noting, however, that this study is confined to the manufacturing sector, specifically textile firms, and its findings may not be directly applicable to other organizations outside this scope.


Keywords; Collectivism Culture; Business Performance; Cultural Dynamics; Individualism;