ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487

Volume 05, Issue 01 – 2025

Corporate Governance and Growth of Power Holding (Distribution) Companies in South-South, Nigeria

Onyebuchi Odianjo, Emeka Obi


The aim of this study was to determine the effect of corporate governance on the growth of Power holding (distribution) companies in the South-South Nigeria. The dimensions of corporate governance (explanatory variable) were board size, board independence, board expertise and board diligence) while those of growth (dependent variable) were market size and service delivery. Also embedded in the research work were two moderating variables of Government laws and regulations and technology. The study adopted descriptive survey research approach where structured questionnaire was administered to respondents who are employees of the Power holding (distribution) companies in the South-South, Nigeria. The target population (743 respondents) of the study was drawn from the ten (10) districts of the two distribution companies in the region. Following the use of the Taro Yarmen formular, a sample size of 260 was estimated and adjudged a representative sample. Ten (10) hypotheses were formulated. The Spearman Correlation Coefficient was used to test hypotheses one to eight while Pearson’s Correlation was used to test hypotheses nine and ten. The study employed the International Business Machine Statistical Package (IBM-SPSS) as the requisite software. The findings of the study showed that all the measures of corporate governance were positive and statistically significant with the applicable growth-dimensions. The study therefore recommends that Power Holding (Distribution) companies should strive to adopt, update and implement corporate governance practices to enhance its growth in the South-South, Nigeria.

Keywords: Power Holding (Distribution) companies; corporate governance; South-South Nigeria