ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487

Volume 03, Issue 02 – 2023

High Power Distance Culture and Employee Performance in the Workplace

Silva Opuala-Chalres
Mordecai Eugenia


Effective relationships, interactions, and communication between managers and employees require power distance. Low power distance further develops cooperation’s, associations, and correspondence among directors and representatives in contrast with high power distance. Employees in a company with a high distance culture see organizational hierarchy as a sign of power imbalance between upper- and lower-level employees. In this case, the study aims to investigate the connections between employees’ loyalty to the company and their trust in it and their perceptions of power distance. According to theoretical research, power distance is the degree to which individuals accept and anticipate unequal power distribution in a community or organization. It might have a significant effect on the behavior, interactions, and communication of followers and leaders. Representatives in societies with high power distance are more disposed to acknowledge and regard progressive system, adhere to directions without addressing them, and abstain from scrutinizing or testing their bosses. They may also look to their superiors for leadership, motivation, and rewards. Representative view of force distance can likewise influence their mentalities and ways of behaving. Employees, for instance, who are aware of high-power distances are submissive to their superiors and exhibit a great deal of respect for them. Employees with a high-power distance culture are not allowed to participate in or have no authority to make decisions about the affairs of the company, which results in poor performance. As a result, the purpose of this study is to increase awareness of the significance of power distance in organizations.

Keywords: Power Distance Culture; Employee’s Performance; Employee’s perception; Organizational Commitment

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1591-1141