ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487

Volume 03, Issue 02 – 2023

Play Hard Work Hard Culture and Employee Performance in the Banking Industry

Silva Opuala-Charles,

Margaret Ala


This study investigated play hard, work hard culture and employee performance in banking industry. A case study of Access Bank Plc. The study posits that play hard, work hard culture find expression in the overall organizational culture and motivation to enhance the performance of employees in the workplace. The culture of Access Bank ensures that employees understand its core values, norms and its strategies which direct employee behavior towards desirable ends.  Play at work energizes the individual and keep him in better mood at work creating a conducive atmosphere for employees which contributes to the rate of productivity of the employee. It argues that play at work has a significant linkage with the level of satisfaction and commitment of employees which also play a mediating roles in employee performance. It suggests that given the manner in which firms compete vigorously to maintain its competitive advantage, Access Bank management should endeavor to create an atmosphere that encourage communication, build team work and collaboration to ensure that organizational goals are attained.

Keywords: Organizational Culture; Employee Performance; Access Bank; Motivation