ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487

Volume 04, Issue 01 – 2024

Positioning Nigeria as a First World Economy in the Era of Signing the African Continental Free Trade Area (AFCFTA)

1-2 Silva Opuala – Charles, Benedict Luke Ibanga

 Corresponding Author. Garden City Premier Business School, European Global School – Paris, France. Plot 13 Herbert Macaulay Street, Old G.R.A, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria.


The challenging circumstances of Nigerian businesses within the African Continental Free trade agreement have not really placed the Nigerian economy at the desired global height as expected. The challenges in line with the ex post facto result of our study showed that Nigerians were prepared to be launched in the global business circle but are still confronted with specific issues due to a lack of proper African continental integration. Our report also showed that Nigerian capital and financial markets are robust enough to leverage AfCFTA to boost trade and commerce, attract FDI, utilize our abundant natural and human resources, and increase exports. It was, however, recommended that A special-purpose vehicle be created to monitor the progress of the AfCFTA strategies in each of the Member countries. Also, the Nigerian government should work harmoniously with stakeholders to ensure trade liberalization, especially in the export sector, and start-up so as to boost local production; trade Concessions should be given to infant industries, and laws should be made to protect SMEs from foreign and giant competitions; ease of doing business policies should be improved to attract foreign direct investment, FPI, and capital inflows.

Keywords: Globalization, AfCFTA, International trade, Trade balance, Classical & Neoclassical trade theories.