ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487
Volume 02, Issue 02 – 2022
Charles E. Ojieh, Edwina Amah
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This study examines the extent to which turnaround strategies significantly relates with business growth amongst SMEs in south-south Nigeria. Process-oriented strategies and content oriented strategies were adopted as dimensions of turnaround strategy while business profitability and employment generation were adopted as the measures of business growth. The study adopted a cross sectional survey of 41 SMEs in the oil servicing industry operating within four metropolitan cities in South-South, Nigeria. Data was solicited from respondents through a well-structured questionnaire. Pearson Moment Correlation was used in testing the stated null hypotheses alongside partial correlation. Results revealed a significant relationship between all the dimensions of turnaround strategy with the measures of business growth. The study recommended a cost-oriented strategy for SMEs in their daily operation, financial transparency as well as change of leadership in cases of failure.
Keywords: Turnaround strategy; business growth; content-oriented strategy; process-oriented strategy; business environment
Volume 01, Issue 02
Volume 01, Issue 01