ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487

Volume 05, Issue 01 – 2025

Onwunali Magnus ObinnaThomas Okoisama b

a-b Garden City Premier Business School, Plot 13 Herbert Macaulay Street, Old G.R.A, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between strategic competitive intelligence and the resilience of manufacturing firms in Nigeria. The study offers an empirical assessment of the relationship based on its operational framework. Ten null hypothetical statements are put forward, nine bivariate and one multivariate. The research design adopted was a cross-sectional survey, and data for this study was generated from managers and key personnel of the target organizations using a structured questionnaire. The study adopted Spearman’s rank-order correlation in its assessment of the bivariate correlations between dimensions of strategic competitive intelligence (awareness, internal information, and employee involvement) and measures of firm resilience (adaptive capacity, innovativeness, and robustness) and the partial correlation technique for assessing the moderating role of organizational structure on the relationship between strategic competitive intelligence and firm resilience. The findings reveal significant relationships between all dimensions of strategic competitive intelligence and the measures of a firm’s resilience and identify organizational structure as a substantial moderator of the relationship between the variables. In conclusion, it was stated that strategic competitive intelligence, through its dimensions, offers the necessary support, orientation, and knowledge control for firm resilience. In the same way, organizational structure also enhances the relationship between strategic competitive intelligence and a firm’s resilience. It was recommended that manufacturing firms align their HR programs with the current demands of our time and, through thorough environmental scanning, install the right talents that can responsively beat their competitors. They should develop strategies like mentoring that can prepare the business to withstand other forms of disruption.

Keywords: Strategic Competitive Intelligence, Resilience, Manufacturing firms;

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1591-1141