ISSN – PRINT:2756-4495 | ONLINE: 2756-4487
Volume 05, Issue 01 – 2025
Ibigemi Seun Samuela Silva Opuala-Charles b
a-b Garden City Premier Business School, Plot 13 Herbert Macaulay Street, Old G.R.A, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
The desire of any manufacturing company sets to getting its strategic management process right attuned to attain high level of organizational effectiveness; and this cannot be achieved in isolation without proper consideration of employees’ ability to gain mastery of their roles and personal abilities at workplace. The study employed a sample of 178 managerial and operational staff across 22 manufacturing companies in Rivers State. The study utilized the cross-sectional research design and employed primary data got from a well-structured questionnaire. The employed dimensions of strategic management process are: strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation, which were evaluated in relation to three core measures of competitive business environment as represented by; innovativeness, proactiveness, and networking ability. The study observed a positive and significant relationship between all dimensions of strategic management process and measures of competitive business environment. It was concluded that, Strategic management process is a critical predictor of the level of employee intrapreneurial orientation of manufacturing companies. In light of these findings, the study recommended that, manufacturing companies should appeal to employees through the provision of proper training which is found to be lacking. Also, manufacturing companies can increase networking ability and satisfaction of employees through the streamlining of their strategy implementation skill by emphasizing more relational strategy implementation from managers to employees.
Keywords: Employee Intrapreneurial Orientation, Innovativeness, Proactiveness, And Networking Ability;
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1591-1141
Volume 01, Issue 02
Volume 01, Issue 01